These numbers (unlike Lost's) don't mean a thing in 2.21 'Happy Go Lucky.' It probably means we just have a lot of time on our hands. Fox, and is a Nazi? Well, okay, probably not.
What does this say about the anonymous sender of the email? That he likes numerology, math, holmium, turkey, constellations, Michael J. It's also a code for Heil Hitler (H being the 8th letter of the alphabet) and the amount of miles per hour the deLorean in Back to the Future had to get to to travel in time. Eighty-eight is a palindromic, a primitive semiperfect, and untouchable number and also the number of constellations in the sky. Ninety is a unitary perfect number and a pronic number and also the code for international direct dial to Turkey. Sixty-seven is an irregular and lucky prime number and also the atomic number of holmium. Plus, it's only one number off from 23, an important number in Discordianism. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and 22 Major Arcana in Tarot. Twenty-two is an important number in numerology. Who was the anonymous person? Was it Lucky? Perhaps we can discern some clues from those numbers. The anonymous person who sent Woody Goodman an email saying 'Kill incorporation or else' and an audio file of Marcos Oliveres and Peter Ferrer saying that Woody was a pedophile.